The local Chief, Chief Ishima blessed us with 1,200 acres or 500 hectors of land that stretches along the mighty Zambezi River. This land is beautiful untouched forest that is being transformed into a mission base! From this location we are believing God for revival in Zambia, Angola, and Congo!
The Zambezi Base is in full pioneer mode! From building homes, a training center, workshop, main center, developing the land for sustainable agriculture, fencing the property, driving 8 hours to the nearest grocery store and hardware store, and using 4x4 vehicles to reach the people around us and recon new areas!
There are several building projects underway and we are believing God for expansion and acceleration!
Thank you for partnering with us and sowing into what God is doing! We pray your seed is richly blessed and returns to you in Jesus name!
God Bless and Thank you,
Team Zambezi
We are blessed to serve in the Nation of Zambia with Overland Missions! We live in the Northwest Province of Zambia in the Zambezi District. Chief Ishima blessed us with 1,200 acres or 500 hectors of land that stretches along the mighty Zambezi River. This land is beautiful untouched forest that is being transformed into a mission base! The Zambezi Base will be home to many foreign missionaries, it will be a training center and launching point for 100's and 1000's of indigenous Zambians that will carry the transforming power of Jesus and fire of God to the surrounding areas and Nations!
Our family is excited to pioneer the Zambezi Base! God has put a big vision on our hearts to see this area powerfully transformed by the WORD and POWER of God!
We thank you for standing with us in faith and financially sowing a seed into our lives and ministry! May God bless you and increase you and the plans He has for you!
Monthly Giving
building projects